The Billion Coin

The Billion Coin

Sunday 28 May 2017


 KONGA is Nigeria’s largest online shopping mall which was launched in July 2012 and they have made it their mission is to become the engine of commerce and trade in Africa.

  They serve a retail customer base that continues to grow exponentially, offering products that span various categories including Phones, Computers, Clothing, Shoes, Home Appliances, Books, healthcare, Baby Products, personal care and much more.

  Amidst this extraordinary innovation, konga has rolled out an affiliate program which not only rewards affiliates for driving sales, but also reward them for referring other potential affiliates.And besides that, you will earn N500 instantly if you sign up as a konga affiliate and your application is approved. Konga affiliate program is a certified way to make money online in Nigeria. And it is almost unrivaled by other affiliate programs.

  So, this simply means you can earn money online in three ways in Konga affiliate marketing :

1. When you sign up for Konga affiliate program (N500)
2. When you refer anyone to buy from Konga online store and the person buys via your unique affiliate link (Up to 9% commission. )       
3. When Konga approves an affiliate that joins the affiliate program through you.

 You don't even need a website (although having your own website helps). You can promote Konga products via search engines, and social media networks, postings in forums, or simply email to all your friends and people you know with your affiliate link attached to our product. If you have your own website, all you need to do is to place an affiliate link, banner, text link or other link on your site and visitors that click them are sent to KONGA. And if he or she buys anything from us, you will get commission.
   Affiliates are paid upon confirmed purchase and delivery of item(s) by visitor(s) on Payment date is by the end of the next month. Payment is made through Bank/Wire Transfer directly to your local bank account, when you have reached or exceeded the payout balance which is a minimum of N5000. HOW DO I SIGNUP

  Setting up an account is very easy and it's completely FREE. You don't have to pay for becoming an affiliate on KONGA. All you need to do is go to the SIGNUP PAGE, fill the Form and submit. After a review from the affiliate manager, you will receive an email with your password and other information. As an affiliate, you will have your own control panel where you can see detailed statistics of traffic and sales you referred, news and training materials, choice of banners and text links. Then you only need to place an affiliate link, banner, text link or other link at your web site or place ads in pay-per-click search engines, so you can start sending customers to Konga website.

So basically the signup process can be summarized in these few simple steps:

1. Go to the SIGNUP FORM
2. Fill out the form
3. Receive your password and other info by email
4. Go to konga affiliate sign in page and log in to your own affiliate panel and choose from various banners, text links, reviews and other promotional materials
5. Place some of these banners/links onto the Home page of your website and as many pages as you want, to increase your sales
6. Receive up to 9% commission.

Have you joined the KONGA AFFILIATE PROGRAM?

If yes, kindly share your experience so far.


                            Here To Get Your Free 50,000 Kringle Coins

Thursday 25 May 2017


The Elite have succeeded in gathering 99% of all the wealth in the world to themselves, leaving us the 99% of the world population with only 1% of the money left over to share between ourselves.

It’s frightening to face just how evil the Elite are considering the amount of power they have accumulated in possessing so much wealth and influence in our world.  The internet is loaded with exposure of just how evil they are in how they use that wealth and influence.

If we liken the above “Bugs Life” pic to the Elite, they are the grasshoppers and they have taken 99% of all the food the ants gathered which only leaves the ants 1% of all the food they gathered to be shared among themselves–all the ants.

The innovation of TBC is not in the technology of crypto-currency; its in how this currency is valued and priced.  TBC is the First “Abundance-Based” currency and have tied its value to community growth and not the market.  The Mission of TBC is to End Poverty globally, and we hope to achieve that in 2018.

Now let’s talk about the purpose of TBC.  Why was TBC created in the first place?  I am the Creator of TBC.  TBC is my idea.  I was born into a poor family within my country.  Growing up poor was a real challenge for me.

Eventually, I was able to rise above poverty, I became a Millionaire.  I found that building teams was the easiest way to create wealth on purpose.  I also spent an unusual amount of time researching why the world is the way it is; way more time than what the average person would be willing to do.

I courageously faced the truth!  The truth is scary.  Once you know the agenda of the Elite, you feel like an ant–almost powerless to do anything about the evils in this world.  We are lead to believe that there are authorities we can count on to bring justice to this world.

Unfortunately, so many of these so called authorities work for the Elite, and many don’t even realize that.  There are many brave info warriors spreading the news about the Elite, and exposing just how bad they are in our world.  I truly appreciate the awareness campaigns they run.

But awareness won’t change a thing in this world.  A poor person only feels more frustrated the more they become aware of whats going on in this world.  The problem is not isolated to just one country, race, or religion.  These evils are pervasive worldwide.

Like a disease, the evils at the top of the structures of mankind spread war and crimes throughout the entire body of humanity.  Currently, the people of Earth are in the middle of so many conflicts with each other, they all fail to see the source of all these conflicts.

That’s the divide and conquer strategy working very well for the Elite.  Are you able to look passed whatever conflict you may fall in, and see the bigger picture?  I hope so!  You need to understand that all conditions are temporary.

The condition of your life will either get better or worst depending mostly on the choices you make in life.  I may have been born poor, but I don’t need to die in poverty; its up to me to change that condition–and I did!  You can do the same!

With any aspect of your personal life!  Consider this, how about changing the level of your personal security?  Who do you trust with your security?  Well, if you only trust yourself, then you are as secure as a single ant standing alone!  Hmmmm…  If you are expecting government to take care of your security, at the very least you have set yourself up for great disappointment.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-government.  We need to face the facts, just like the ants in that clip above, we will have more protection if we unite and stand together as one for our security.  Regardless of our nation, race, or religion; we need to come together in one body of protection.

All for one, and one for all!  There is no need to sacrifice our respective freedoms to gain this security by coming together.  In fact, freedoms expand with unity.  Let me make this clear too, I’m not an advocate of one mind and one NWO government.  That is the opposite of what I’m talking about.

There is safety in numbers.  At this time we have close to 250,000 Members in TBC, and that is a significant number.  We all have been asked to unite around one thing–the Membership Agreement.  Yet, some have not understood the importance of that agreement, and have not honored it.

We are cleaning our own house now to remove those dishonest members!  Once we fully unite around the Membership Agreement it will naturally result in ABUNDANCE for ALL.  Some people are just too impatient to see what we are building and have abused TBC.

Understand this, the PURPOSE of TBC is PROTECTION.  In the movie Bugs Life, the ANTS WIN, and they deserved it!  We can WIN too!  Not just by the power of unity, but also in the principle of funding our personal security.

TBC creates wealth FAST, automatically!  TBC will make you RICH  and POWERFUL as an individual, and the unity of mass quantities of RICH and POWERFUL people will overtake the agendas of the Elite and spoil them.

Once we reach our goal of uniting one Billion people, the achievement of Ending Poverty will be within our grasp.  Once we complete that mission, we will become an unstoppable force to do good in this world.

As our members become more educated, they will learn how to become sovereign and then everything will change for the better.  So, stand with us, and know that our PURPOSE is that we are here to protect each other, and one day we will become a force of nature to bring goodness into our collective world! Click Here To Get Your Free 50,000 Kringle Coins


  Many have been skeptical about the security of the TBC local exchanger announced by Witty Giants of recent but the TBC admin has now cleared the air and have written of their full support of the exchanger. Read this up:

"Thanks to the efforts of a major leader in Nigeria who succeeded at cashing in over $200,000.00 in TBC, Nigeria is the 1st to launch a Local Exchange (Escrow Service).  This new “Exchange” was set up properly.  I’m sure attorneys, government officials, and such were all involved to support the new banking partnership which makes this “Exchange” possible.  Congratulations Nigeria!!!  Admin would love to encourage all the TBC Members in Nigeria to seriously consider joining and supporting this
“Exchange.”  Bear in mind, there is always risk with any financial decision.  “We the People” have sadly learned that we cannot always put 100% of our trust in banks and governments.  They tend to change their policies quickly without much notice.  So, just keep that in mind and do whatever you feel is right to protect your earnings.  That being said, Admin feels that Nigerians that choose not to join this “Exchange” face an even greater financial risk.  The “Loss of Opportunity Risk” because this “Exchange” was set up to empower the Members of TBC in Nigeria.  This “Exchange” fully protects “Buyers” (up until a bank or government policy change) in their purchase of TBC coins.  Local currency is not given to the “Seller” of TBC coins until the “Seller” proves that they sent ALL of the TBC coins purchased to the “Buyer.”  Seller promotes the sale of TBC coins with a replicated website link.  When “Buyers” use the link, the “Sellers” get the proper credit for the sale.  A very, very small fee charged.  They may need to increase it, in my opinion.  “Buyers” can certainly trust the “Sellers” offering this third-party solution.  All “Exchanges” are done at the Current Price of TBC which pleases Admin to no end!  Workers get paid, lazy people don’t make much!  This also pleases Admin to no end.  As a “Seller” using this “Exchange” you don’t make much unless you promote your link.  So, don’t be LAZY!  Promote your link big time!!!  Sellers, are pretty safe to use this.  TBC is so valuable now, as a Seller you don’t want to meet your “Buyers” in person, especially near a dark alley.  As long as the bank keeps up their end of the bargain, Sellers will be safe to use this “Exchange.”  Nigeria leads the way for TBC as the first to bring in a local “Exchange.”



TBC is highly centralized at this time.  Discounters and Scammers have forced the hand of Admin to step in and stop the madness before they doom the idea of an “Abundance-Based” currency.  We cannot survive long-term if we remain centralized.  We are up against the clock.  The “Elite” will not support TBC because TBC dooms their depopulation and human RFID chip plans should we succeed.  Keep in mind, the “Elite” more or less have full control over the banks and governments of this world today.  Through the art of deception, they make the people of the world think otherwise.  They are currently spreading their militarized viruses now, and depopulation has begun.  Research this for your selves, your lives may depend on it!  TBC was designed to be a “Money” of the “People,” by the “People,” and for the “People.”  People become their own “Banks.”  If each country were to set up a local “Exchange” this same way it would help decentralize TBC.  Governments may choose to make TBC illegal, but the “Elite” are not that coordinated to get every country to do that all at the same time.  So, if there are local “Exchanges” everywhere then TBC can stand long term.  We are almost 100,000 Members strong today, and TBC has become a real force in the world.  Admin, has a clean plan that is rolling out now to get our Memberships up to one billion in 2017.  The “Elite” can’t stop a movement that is one billion strong.  Even though they plan to kill off about seven billion people within the next 40 years, maybe sooner.  If any of this information shocks you, then you haven’t done any research—I suggest you pull your head out of the sand, or should I say quicksand.  Once we completely eradicate the scourge of the TBC Discounters we will start holding country elections again and roll out member mining of TBC.  Right now, Admin doesn’t trust the TBC Members.  Too many of them are working against the intent and mission of TBC to End Poverty globally in 2018.  They have put petty self-interest above the TBC community and probably are clueless about the damage they have done.  We need to fire Admin!  As long as Admin is needed, TBC is not just computer code.  Bitcoin fired its Creator, and Bitcoin has survived some major hits against it.  So, let’s not all be a bunch of “Babies” and expect to receive, while not able to give.  Learn to give more than you receive back to the TBC community.  This great leader in Nigeria that set up this local “Exchange” has done exactly that.  He is giving back; now that shows gratitude.  All of us should follow his example in one way or another.  Once we reach our destination of a coin worth one billion Euros each.  TBC is likely to be the most valuable asset owned by each and every TBC Member.  That’s when the fun begins.  We won’t need to “Exchange” TBC for other currencies, we will just use TBC as the main currency controlled by the “People” and not by the “Elite.”"
 Click Here To Get Your Free 50,000 Kringle Coins

OFFICIAL THEBILLIONCOIN (TBC) EXCHANGER LAUNCHED IN NIGERIA Many skepticism have surrounded the possibility of launching a TBC local exchanger, and in fact, utter disbelief that this great exploit can be achieved has reigned in the minds of many TBC stake holders within TheBillionCoin community.
  But why most have resigned themselves to their pessimisms, an organization known as WITTYGIANTS emerged and took upon the herculean task of executing the project. An accomplishment duly noted and personally commended by TheBillionCoin Administrator.This local exchanger will serve as a platform where TBC stakeholders can come together to exchange their TBC for BTC and vice versa. Also, the Nigerian people do not have to buy Bitcoin first in order to purchase TBC, but rather, they can carry out direct cash transactions in procuring TBC and withdraw in Naira directly after sales of TBC using this exchange.
   This is by far a better structure, and this local exchange will take the place of on the Homepage Sliders once a user guide for this local exchange is complete.

  WittyGiants is an organization whose affairs are being piloted by its CEO Dan Ewah with a Committed Passion to unveil Financial Freedom Opportunities around the Continent of Africa.
  So Currently WittyExchange is Nigeria's Number one TBC exchange platform for now. Witty Exchange has brought about so many seminars around Nigeria and has works tirelessly in propelling TheBillionCoin community to its desired destination.


NOTE: Its COMPULSORY you signup on the PLATFORM to be part of the EXCHANGE
NEEDED DETAILS: Personal Data, Valid ID, Bank Statement & TBC Wallet Address

1. Log on to
2. Click on SIGNUP
3. Enter dreamspells as your SPONSOR'S USERNAME (You need to enter a sponsor's username to proceed)
4. Click Continue
5. Fill up the REGISTRATION FORM and click REGISTER.
6. Click LOGOUT and then SIGNIN again to update your profile.
7. Click on the DOCUMENT tab to upload your VALID ID and Bank Statement.
8. You are good to start BUYING and SELLING TBC  at OFFICIAL PRICE once your details are confirmed.

TBC : THE PRIME OF ALL CRYPTOCURRENCY. Secure your future today!!! Click Here To Get Your Free 50,000 Kringle Coins

Monday 22 May 2017


   Get free 100,000 kringles coins free instantly. For all the existing and new TBC members, you can now get free KRINGLE CASH from here. If you are here, it means you already know that kringle is a unit of The Billion Coin (TBC). While TBC grow 1-5% every day, you might not be able to purchase a full TBC.

                                                   WHAT IS KRINGLE COIN

  Kringle is a unit of The Billion Coin (TBC) which grows 1-5% per day as a result of membership agreement which states that TBC never goes down. This means that as more people are joining the community, the coin appreciates in value.

  The Billion Coin is a cryptocurrency (digital currency) that is on a mission to end poverty globally in the year 2018. It is expected that any kringle acquired today (which is the smallest unit of TBC) will worth $10 each in less than a year from now.

  When you sign up at, and create a free wallet at, The Billion Coin community grant you a one time opportunity to grab 100,000 kringle coins at free of charge. So even if you weren't opportune to acquire TBC coins at an affordable rate during its inception, you still do not miss out completely on having a taste of this abundance established by The Billion Coin community.
  Whether or not you choose to take advantage of this privilege given to you is left to your discretion. What will it cost you just signing up and getting your free gift even if you do not have the cash to purchase TBC?

If TBC has this value, why then am I getting kringle cash free of charge? The Billion Coin (TBC) is hinged on its membership agreement which is 1Million Verified users before 2018. This means that the strength of TBC is dependent on its members respecting and abiding by the agreement that states that the value of TBC will never go down. This means that when you get the free kringle and want to purchase more coins (TBC) that you’ll purchase either from the TBC official site, the Nigerian tbc exchange platform or from us at the official tbc price which never goes down until it reaches the ultimate price of 1 kringle = $10 or 1TBC = 1,000,000 Euro. DO I GET MY FREE KRINGLE CASH

1.Join TheBillionCoin community at if you haven't already.
2.Create a wallet by clicking the link and following the instructions step by step.
3.Visit (you’ll see something that looks like a call   from santa- yes that’s the right page)
4.Click on the phone to get to the next page
5.Click on “Give me my gift now”
6.Click on the Green button that says “let’s go to step one”
7.Complete the kringle cash form with your full name, username, email   (use the same email you used to sign up at    and, address, country and your password. Then   check the recaptcha box and sign up.


  Let, your friends sign up and get FREE KRINGLES, tell your loved ones about this and sign up for your colleagues. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. And when you accomplish this, you and your colleagues not only get to cash in on this free gift but also help to build and promote the TBC community at an exponential rate which is critical for the TBCcommunity to achieve it's desired goal and unleash its full potential.
 Click Here To Get Your Free 100,000 Kringle Coins

Thursday 18 May 2017


   It is with great enthusiasm and profound pleasure that I introduce to you CRYPTOCURRENCY TECHNOLOGY.
   Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. A cryptocurrency (or digital currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency. Cryptocurrencies are a subset of alternative currencies, or specifically digital currencies.
   A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange in the cryptocurrency market of normal currencies such as USD, EURO, POUNDS and NAIRA but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography. Cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins.
   Cryptocurrrency is the new trend. To put it simply, it is your money in digital form. It will empower those people who have no bank accounts. It will facilitate faster financial transactions. It cannot be counterfeited. It is carried thru the internet via a very powerful block chain technology which has been the most powerful invention since the birth of the internet. And soon, it will replace the US Dollar as world-reserve currency. Countries such as Russia and the People's Republic of China, Central Banks, economic analysts and groups, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council, have expressed a desire to see an independent new currency replace the dollar as the reserve currency. There are over 400 types of cryptocurrencies out there with varing market values and amongst them has emerged one, AN ALPHA, that will supersede and dominate all other cryptocurrencies. A digital currency that will in a limited time frame, be the cardinal currency in the currency exchange market.
   Ladies and gentlemen, I unveil and bring to lime light, the greatest innovation of the 21th century, THE BILLION COIN (TBC).


What is The Billion Coin or TBC? It is a cryptocurrency or internet currency/money use to buy any product or services from co-members of TBC or the TBC community around the world. The Billion Coin came into light on 21th of March 2016, taking the world of digital currency by storm. The value of TBC is increasing everyday from 1-5%, it never goes down because its value is based on the number of new verified members.. and the number of member always goes up it never goes down.
TBC is the up and coming cryptocurrency, with value increasing daily and exponentially, at a rate that will  never go down.
   If you missed the opportunity with bitcoin, here's another chance to redeem yourself.  Even if anyone regrets not purchasing TBC when rates were lower, its still not too late. It will be a great disservice to yourself not to do anything.
   Don't miss this opportunity. Remember, Launch price on 21st march, 2016  was 0.001$ and now one TBC is worth thousands of dollars, even surpassing the bitcoin value by a great margin. 


   TBC has been growing worldwide at an increasingly steady rate and is in countries like Philippines, USA, UK, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Hong kong, Ghana, India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, etc.
   The irony still remains that despite the Economic Recession People Are Still Getting Paid. And this is the secret behind it.
   According to Richard Branson, CRYPTOCURRENCY will transform the world. Dangote, one of Africa’s wealthiest takes risk, and he’s never afraid of new investment. Are you still waiting for the naira to rise above the Dollar, well Naira, Dollar, Euro etc. are all fiat currency and are subject to rise and fall.
   We bring to you THE BILLION COIN (TBC), a cryptocurrency that has come to end poverty globally, the billion coin is a paradigm shift. It’s a reality and truth of the moment, and it has come to stay.

                                          HOW THE BILLION COIN (TBC) WORKS

   TBC already has millionaires in its community and hundreds more will become millionaires with each passing moment.  You too
can be part of it today.
   TBC is a true and complete decentralized cryptocurrency with a total coin circulation of 1 Billion coins. Fifty percent of those coins will be mined once all the stakeholder slots have been taken. This is the
most exciting community on the Internet and it’s only going to get bigger and better.

Here Is How You Can Become A Millionaire ; First is by buying as much coin as you can and keeping it. The value of your coin will increase by 1- 5% daily. At 5% daily you have your money doubled every 2weeks, so all you need do is buy as much coin as you can and store them in your wallet and hold on to your coin till any time you wish to sell them or trade with it, used it for transactions.
   TBC is on a mission to end poverty globally and equalize the rich and the poor. Don't  be lured into the deceptive thought that you understand more about money or currency, cos no one individual knows it all. You must realize the truth why you are in your current financial status and how to break free from it.

Join this revolutionary movement against paper money today.

   Get registered today at and check your email for confirmation, either in the inbox or spam, then click on the link to verify your email address.
   Next will be to create a wallet by following the wallet guide step by step. Once your wallet has been created, you can click the link below to get your free 100,000 kringles Click Here To Get Your Free 50,000 Kringle Coins